Dziś mam dla Was świetne piosenki, które odkryłam w ubiegłym tygodniu..
Pierwszą z nich bez wątpienia mogę zaliczyć do utworów, które można pokochać już od pierwszych jej dźwięków.. Jest to "Gravity" w wykonaniu Leo Stannard'a i Frances. Przyjemną dla uchą melodię połączyli oni z niebanalnym tekstem. Śpiewają "jesteś światłem, które mnie prowadzi, jedyne co widzę, jedyne czego potrzebuje, jesteś moim przyciąganiem". Idealnie poprawia ona nastrój w chłodne jesienne wieczory!
Druga piosenka to typowa miłosna ballada "Lost on you", zaśpiewana przez Lewisa Capaldi. Niesie ona smutny przekaz chłopaka, który cierpi, ponieważ zmuszony jest zostawić miłość swojego życia. Zrezygnować z uczucia tak silnego,że rozdzielenie zakochanych przynisie im obojgu ogromne cierpienie. Niestety jest to dla nich jedyne rozwiązanie. Mężczyzna wierzy jednak, że ukochana znajdzie innego, który zaopiekuje się nią, i w którego ramionach będzie ona bezpieczna.
Trzecia nowość to kompozycja Lany Del rel z jej najnowszego albumu "Lust for life" nosząca tytuł "White Mustang". Powiem szczerze, że najbardziej zaintrygowała mnie melodia , szczególnie ta w drugiej cześci utowru i klimatyczny teledysk.. Sam tekst piosenki pozostawia wiele do życzenia.. Jeżeli dobrze go interpetuję, dziewczyna śpiewa o letniej miłości, która jak sama określa jest krótkotrwała i skazana na niepowodzenie.. Nawet jeśli obydwoje na prawdę się w sobie zakochają ich uczucie nie przetwa, ponieważ istnieją między nimi zbyt duże różnice..
Niemniej jednak sama aranżacja muzyczna przypadły mi do gustu, głównie ze względu na ich "chillautowy" charakter. Trzeba przyznać, że Lana będąc już gwiazdą rozpoznawalną w świecie muzycznym, swoje utwory i klipy wiąż utrzymuje w tym samym klimacie. Nie poddała się presji muzycznego rynku na tworzenie muzyki pop stricte "radiowej".
Mam nadzieję, że moje propozycje muzyczne tego tygodnia spodobają się Wam i na stałe zagoszczą na Waszej playliście.
Today I have got for you three great songs which I discovered last week!
First of them I can call without any doubts song, which I loved from the first sounds.. This is "Gravity" by Leo Stannard and Frances. They presented very nice melody which is connected to unusual lyrics. They are singing : " You are the light, You are the light which is guiding me. the only one I see, the only one I need, you are my gravity".
This song is perfect for improving your mood in calm autumn's evenings.
Second song is typical love ballad called "Lost on you" sung by Lewis Capaldi. It carries very sad message by boy who suffer, because he is forced to leave love of his life. He have to resign from very strong feeling towards the girl, which will bring pain for both of them. Unfortunately this is only solution. He believes that she will find another love, who will take care of her and in his arms she will feel safety.
Thirs song "Wite Mustang" is new one from the latest album of Lana Del Rel. To be honest what I liked in this sing the most is melody , especially in the second part of the song and moody video clip. Lyrics are not so powerful haha ! If I understood these lyrics, she is singing about summer love, which is very short-lived and doomed to failure. Even if they loved each other in real, theirs love woudnt continue because they both are too diffrent from each other to be together. Anyway I liked this song very much , because of its great clip and chill mood. I have to admit that Lana Del Rey , despite that now she is a star in music market, she didnt change her style of singing. She kept creating songs in her own typical moody way.
I hope you will like my new music post and you will join these song to your music playlist.
Leo Stannard -"Gravity" fr. Frances
Today I have got for you three great songs which I discovered last week!
First of them I can call without any doubts song, which I loved from the first sounds.. This is "Gravity" by Leo Stannard and Frances. They presented very nice melody which is connected to unusual lyrics. They are singing : " You are the light, You are the light which is guiding me. the only one I see, the only one I need, you are my gravity".
This song is perfect for improving your mood in calm autumn's evenings.
Second song is typical love ballad called "Lost on you" sung by Lewis Capaldi. It carries very sad message by boy who suffer, because he is forced to leave love of his life. He have to resign from very strong feeling towards the girl, which will bring pain for both of them. Unfortunately this is only solution. He believes that she will find another love, who will take care of her and in his arms she will feel safety.
Thirs song "Wite Mustang" is new one from the latest album of Lana Del Rel. To be honest what I liked in this sing the most is melody , especially in the second part of the song and moody video clip. Lyrics are not so powerful haha ! If I understood these lyrics, she is singing about summer love, which is very short-lived and doomed to failure. Even if they loved each other in real, theirs love woudnt continue because they both are too diffrent from each other to be together. Anyway I liked this song very much , because of its great clip and chill mood. I have to admit that Lana Del Rey , despite that now she is a star in music market, she didnt change her style of singing. She kept creating songs in her own typical moody way.
I hope you will like my new music post and you will join these song to your music playlist.
Leo Stannard -"Gravity" fr. Frances
Lewis Capaldi -" Lost on You"
Lana Del Rey - "White Mustang"